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What are the Possible Disciplinary Actions for Misconduct?

In the world of federal employment law, we often come across cases involving disciplinary actions for misconduct. Misconduct can range from minor infractions like tardiness to more severe issues like harassment or theft. Understanding the possible disciplinary actions that can be taken in these scenarios is crucial.

Verbal and Written Warnings

A federal agency employer might choose to give a verbal warning for minor misconduct incidents. While this is the least severe action, it should not be taken lightly. If the behavior persists, it may escalate to a letter of counseling or a reprimand, which will be documented in the employee's Official Personnel File (OPF).


If the misconduct continues or is more serious, the agency employer might opt for suspension. This is a temporary removal from work without pay. The length of the suspension can vary depending on the severity and frequency of the misconduct. Suspensions are permanently documented in the subject employee’s OPF. If the length of the suspension exceeds 14 calendar days, the subject employee may have the right to appeal it to the Merit Systems Protection Board for a hearing.


A demotion involves reducing an employee's pay grade, often accompanied by a decrease in pay. This is typically used when the misconduct seriously and directly relates to the employee's job responsibilities. Demotions are recorded in the subject employee’s OPF permanently and may be appealable to the MSPB.


The most severe form of disciplinary action is removal or termination. This is usually reserved for very serious misconduct or repeated offenses after other disciplinary actions have failed to correct the misconduct. In federal employment, like with suspensions and demotions, removals require a thorough process, including written notice to the employee of the proposed action, a reasonable opportunity for them to respond orally and in writing, and a written decision with notice of appeal rights.

Alternative Disciplinary Actions

In some cases, agency employers might use alternative disciplinary agreements involving reassignments, training, and/or holding discipline in abeyance for a time period to allow the employee to demonstrate good behavior followed by then mitigation of the penalty if the employee’s conduct improves.

Remember, disciplinary action aims to punish and correct behavior and maintain a safe, productive workplace. As an employee, understanding these potential consequences can help guide your actions at work. And if you feel you've been unfairly disciplined, don't hesitate to seek legal advice.
