man typing on computer

What Is An Undue Hardship?

If you are a federal employee with a disability, you may be wondering what “undue hardship” means. This term is often used to reject proposed workplace accommodations for federal employees with disabilities, but what does it actually mean?

Defining Undue Hardship

The definition of undue hardship, in the context of disability accommodations, is an action or policy that would require significant difficulty or expense for a federal agency. This means that if a proposed accommodation imposes an excessive financial burden on the federal agency, it may be rejected based on “undue hardship.”

However, the term “undue hardship” should not be interpreted too narrowly. The accommodations requested may still be approved if they are deemed reasonable and necessary to allow an employee with a disability to perform their job duties.

What Can You Do If Your Accommodation Is Rejected?

If your proposed accommodation was denied on the basis of undue hardship, you should contact an experienced federal sector disability discrimination attorney. The attorney can review your application for accommodation and help you determine what would be the best course of action. or need to seek federal disability retirement benefits.

Defending Your Rights & Your Career

At The Law Firm of John P. Mahoney, Esq., Attorneys at Law, PLLC, we understand how important reasonable accommodations are to federal employees with disabilities. Our experienced team of federal employment attorneys is passionate about helping our clients obtain positive outcomes and protecting their federal careers. We believe that all employees should have access to the same opportunities and that no one should be discriminated against based on a disability.

If you were denied a proposed accommodation on the basis of undue hardship, call our firm today at (202) 350-3881 to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys. We can help you review your options.
